Thursday, April 29, 2010

Daunting Preconceived Notions

      I started going to a gym to meet my goals. My first visit was yesterday. I went a little daunted and sceptical. It is very intimidating being a short, fat woman entering a gym for the first time.
      My first thoughts encompassed most of my insecurities. Will I be mocked because of my weight? Will I make a fool of myself? Will I look like a dork while using all the equipment wrong? Basically all the "What the heck did I get myself into" questions. My mind was put at ease almost from the moment I entered. I looked around and noticed there was more than just toothpick thin women there. There were women who were comparable in size to myself and not being ostracised by everyone else. Everyone looked relatively comfortable..except for what ever discomfort the workout was providing.
      Then I meet the floor coach. She was everything I was not expecting. She was very welcoming and comforting about all my fears. She took the time to show me how to use all the equipment correctly and make sure I would not be doing them wrong. Then as we talked she explained that she used to do everything wrong. The fact that this was a women-only gym also helped.
      Soon all the worries and first impressions were forgotten as the workout took over my thoughts. I was extremely impressed and extremely sore by then end of the session. There are times (a lot of them) that I forget that I am a woman who is 5'1" and 219 lbs. Life doesn't always bring to mind how out of shape and obese I am, but the gym reminded me of all that. I felt so energized when I left but during my workout I remember why I was doing this.
      I left the gym yesterday thinking "What have I gotten myself into" and today thinking "I'm going to enjoy this".

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